Previously, we wrote about the illegal delivery of so-called “international observers” to the occupied peninsula, and at first the identities of most of the fake “observers”, naturally, were not disclosed by aggressor’s “media”; on March 12, it was possible to establish the probable identity of the illegal “Maldivian observer”, namely Maldivian citizen Mohamed Hoodh Ibrahim. However, on March 13, the occupiers’ propaganda stated that these “observers”, in addition to Hoodh Ibrahim, were “Bawar Mohammed Rasul from Iraq, … Victorio Roman Cuyer Gomez from Paraguay, Eli Rizak from Lebanon”.
In this context, our Association concentrated its response specifically on the “Maldivian guest”, establishing that at home this “observer” is the head of the chairperson of complaints committee of Maldivian Red Crescent, as a national structure of the corresponding International Federation. Yesterday, on this subject, ARC expert Borys Babin wrote “how can a representative of a structure that must implement the Geneva Conventions, whose position is responsible for monitoring the relevant regulations, participate in their cynical and public violation” in the occupied territory, where war crimes, calls for genocide are committed and, among other things, aggressor illegally apply own “election legislation”.
However, this question was urgently asked by the ARC and in writing to all relevant structures of the Maldives and international red cross federations. It should be noted that Hoodh Ibrahim had previously “checked in” as a representative of the Maldives Red Crescent at events in Northern Cyprus and Communist China, he posed as a youth affairs official, including the organization “Dhi Youth Movement” and was stated as an editor in a certain “Journal of Youth, Peace & Security Research”.
The official response ARC from the Maldives Red Crescent stated that Khoodh Ibrahim’s participation “in the mentioned activities” is not “in the capacity of his elected role of Chairman of the Complaints committee”, that the Maldives Red Crescent “is not engaged with any observation role of an election process” and “shall look into the concerns shared, as per our internal mechanisms, and address any actions that are not in alignment with our code of conduct”. Our Association will continue to monitor this aggressor’s provocation, taking additional response measures.