On December 17, the aggressor’s propaganda announced another provocation by Crimean collaborators, this time in the form of a “congress of Crimean Tatar deputies” held at the infamous “Crimean Industrial and Pedagogical University”.
Unlike previous attempts to mold Crimean Tatar collaborators into something “representative”, now the role of extras was played by “newly elected deputies” from “village, town and city councils” in the amount of 250 pieces.
They were diluted with “military personnel and public figures”, as well as collaborators from the “State Council”, “Kherson Regional Duma”, “State Duma”, “Spiritual Administration of Muslims”, anonymous “delegates from the Crimean Tatar communities”, as well as overseers from the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Federal Agency for Nationalities Affairs of the aggressor.
Based on the set of “adopted congress appeals” to all sorts of international structures, the vector of this provocation was clearly external, once again aimed at “refuting” the activities of the Mejlis and Crimean Tatar human rights activists. And therefore it is no coincidence that the “congress” was held on the anniversary of the first Kurultai of the Crimean Tatars in 1918.
However, all statements that allegedly only such a “congress” can “represent the Crimean Tatar people” are worthless for one simple reason. All we mentioned before, “Crimean Tatar deputies”, the total number of which in the “local councils” the aggressor really and deliberately increased in 2024, became “power” only because they were included by the Crimean collaborators in the lists of “United Russia” and then carried out by the occupiers through an absolutely formal and totally falsified carousel of “elections”.
In any case, in these pseudo-elections, “deputies” were “elected”, unlike the members of the Kurultai and the Mejlis, not by the Crimean Tatar people, but by the alleged “population of the peninsula”, and even if the show with the ballots was less farcical, it has nothing common with the representation of the indigenous people.
However, the occupiers also have a completely “applied” goal of the “congress”: to maximally link those same Crimean Tatar collaborators from the “local councils” in their crimes, making them a completely loyal layer in the occupation “vertical”.