As the aggressor-controlled “media” recently very sparingly stated, Roskomnadzor “cancelled the license of the mobile operator Sevmobile”, which operated in occupied Sevastopol.
Moreover, immediately, “on the fly”, a version is put forward that “the departure of this company may be beneficial” to the so-called “Crimean mobile operator Miranda-Media”, which allegedly “does not have enough frequencies in Sevastopol”.
The “grounds for cancellation” were allegedly “failure to submit an annual report”, “failure to connect to the “Antifraud” system to combat the substitution of telephone numbers” and similar rather formal things. Thus, the “disabling of the license” was a “long-planned accident”, clearly postponed until the period “after the regional elections”.
It is worth recalling that various scams with “Sevmobile” have been going on for almost a decade. In 2014, the illegal “authorities” of Sevastopol created the so-called “fixed-line operator” “Sevastopol-Telecom” on the basis of the seized equipment of “Ukrtelecom” and “Kyivstar”, with the “trademark” “Sevtelecom”.
This structure, together with the Moscow system integrator “ITProgress” from the holding “Progress” and “created” LLC “Sevtelecomsvyaz”, aka “STS” to provide mobile communication services with the operator “Sevmobile”.
This structure was considered by the occupiers as promising until about 2020, and they even planned to transfer to it the “Sevastopol share” of the operator “K-telecom”, which since 2014 had been illegally exploiting the infrastructure of the Ukrainian mobile operator “MTS” in the AR of Crimea and Sevastopol, but “services” from “Sevmobile” were not allowed into the AR of Crimea back then.
Then, the “state unitary enterprise” “Sevtelecom” was transformed into a “joint-stock company” of the same name, and not for the entry of “private investors”, but for the transition from the end of 2023 under the control of the Moscow joint-stock company “Voentelecom” with hidden beneficiaries.
Thus, in occupied Sevastopol, wired communication became “military” from the aggressor, but in some kind of corrupt “private-public partnership”.
A little earlier than these transmutations into “Sevtelecom”, another “parent” for “Sevmobile”, JSC “Holding Progress” was declared bankrupt in 2020 and in August 2022, as part of the bankruptcy procedure, “IT Progress” was sold to Maxim Manshilin, a professional “gravedigger of companies”, for 111 thousand rubles.
It is now obvious that such a “tasty fruit” as “Sevmobile” remains in the hands of the Russian military bigwigs from “Voentelecom”.
But whether this structure, valuable mainly because of its “ownership” of part of the Sevastopol communications infrastructure, will really be given to the “good hands” of “Miranda-media” or to the “virtual mobile operator” of the Russian military – “VTK-Mobile”, will be shown in the near future.

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