After the Kremlin finally approved the “old new authorities” of Crimea and Sevastopol for the “September local elections,” it became extremely clear to many of the “opposition” collaborators there, especially those from Sevastopol, that “the bets are done, there are no more bets,” and that they are now guaranteed not to get into “power”, even by the “court opposition”, “for the next five years”, which in the current front-line realities is very consonant with the word “never”.
The remaining “overboard” Sevastopol groups of the Chalykh’s and Pavel Lebedev’s clans were left with only the policy of “a thousand and one bites” and the traditional “rebellion on the knees” against “governor” Mikhail Razvozhaev, starting from exaggerating the well-known fact of the latter’s so far unsuccessful attempts to “transfer to Moscow”, and ending with a whole stream of “exposures and disclosures.”
The latter includes the heated scandal of “suddenly revealed abuses” in the area of ​​allocating “social land plots”, where “star spouses”, Yulia and Oleg Serdyuk, “as it turned out quite suddenly,” for several years squeezed out “allocated to beneficiaries,” including “ veterans” of Russian aggression, allotments through the “courts”, then resell them “at a market price”; at the same time, Serdyuk, who cashed out hundreds of millions on this, was previously the “head of the Gagarin district administration” under Razvozhaev.
Also, recently on social networks they began to promote “an appeal from builders regarding the “long-term construction of dormitories at Sevastopol State University,” where they are allegedly not paid wages, and “the bosses bought Japanese SUVs with this money.”
At another “construction site of the century” supervised “personally by the governor,” namely the “cultural cluster,” some social activists also “quite suddenly revealed” a “migrant ghetto with its own concepts,” “unsanitary conditions and a spontaneous market.”
However, the most tragicomic was the “fresh” scandal regarding the collection of funds “for bomb shelters” in “School 38” and “Engineering School”, when a thousand rubles were collected from parents, allegedly for “putting the basements in order,” and that same Serdyuk had previously publicly reported that this “improvement” was ensured by “united Russia”.
Against this general background of “storms in the ice hole” around Mikhail Razvozhaev, an “insight” was launched that supposedly the Kremlin was “tired of him and wants to replace him,” but so far supposedly “they cannot find a candidate.” However, in response, the “real Siberian” Razvozhaev clearly decided to show that he was not drowning in the ice hole. On July 23, he told the population “encouraging news” about his reappointment by the Kremlin to the State Council, chairman of the commission in the area of ​​“culture and traditional spiritual and moral values.”
Previously, the “traditional culturologist” Razvozhaev headed the commission on “education” there, and he is clearly “selling” the current reboot to his enemies with a significant hint of both his invulnerability and a possible “retaliatory strike.”

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