As we already wrote, in early July, Simferopol residents repeatedly posted videos of whitish water in the Slavyanka River, which flows through the city and flows into the Salgir River, complaining about the stench from some chemicals clearly dissolved in the water.
On July 9, the aggressor-controlled “media” timidly published their version, stating that supposedly “the water becomes this color near the carriage depot after washing the carriages”; let us note that the river actually flows past the carriage depot of the Simferopol railway station.
Then we wrote that “if this version is not yet another fake “in defense” of other polluters, then it is difficult to envy the passengers of the mentioned cars after such “chemical treatment” of them.”
Then events began to develop in the classic style of occupation propaganda: the head of the Russian Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, as well as the local “prosecutor’s office” announced “control” and “inspections.”
After this, the occupation “media” disseminated the “official version” of the “victory over pollution”, declaring the “identification of a connection in a storm pipe from which a toxic white liquid flowed into the river” in the area of ​​the “Meganom” shopping center.
At the ceremonial “blocking of the pipe” from which the “domestic drain” allegedly came, the “Ministry of ecology and natural Rrsources”, including “Minister” Olga Slavgorodskaya, the “Ministry of housing and communal services”, the “administration” of Simferopol and the notorious “Water of Crimea”.
The fact that the level and volume of foul-smelling pollution in Slavyanka, neither in nature nor in scale, clearly does not correspond to a certain “domestic waste” did not bother anyone in this situation.
However, on the morning of July 13, a video appeared on social networks in which it is absolutely clear that the pollutant is not some kind of “inset,” but precisely this car depot, where the massive runoff is coming from.
In this story, the most tragicomic was the statement of the “Chairman of the State council’s ecology committee” Georgy Shapovalov, who called the concerned residents, who identified and disclosed the situation with the discharge of sewage into the Slavyanka River, as “barking dogs.”
It is obvious that Simferopol collaborator from “United Russia” Shapovalov, who was a “city deputy” and “director of the publishing and printing house” “Tavrida” from the beginning of the occupation, thus hinted to the population how the “Crimean elite” treats them on the eve of the “autumn elections.”
This situation also shows how much the occupying “power,” loudly talking about “claims against Ukraine for ecocide,” is inclined to lie and tell the population deliberate fables on behalf of the Bastrykins and “ministers,” even about a rather insignificant, in the current situation, environmental incident.

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