On May 30, the criminal “head of Crimea” Sergei Aksyonov announced the “resignations” of two fake “ministers”.
Now Sergei Donets have been replaced by Maxim Novik, the former head of “Water of Crimea” in the occupiers’ illegal “ministry of housing and communal services”, and Sergei Ganziy, the creature of Vladimir Konstantinov, the former “deputy head of the organizational management of the State Council”, will be the “chief” in the “ministry of resorts and tourism” instead of Vadim Volchenko.
Naturally, no reasons for the next “personnel changes” have been “officially” announced, but through the aggressor-controlled “media” reported, that Donets allegedly “suffered” after the water collapse in Yevpatoria, where, let us recall, there was no water for more than a week in May, and that Volchenko was allegedly punished for “inactivity” and constantly voicing phantasmagoric figures of “those who vacationed in Crimea.”
However, these “explanations” are strangely consistent with the fact that it was Donets’ “replacement” Novik who became one of the “creators” of the current Yevpatoria “dry season”, and with the fact that the enchanting “tourist” figures & numbers “from Volchenko” immediately after his the replacement by Ganziy was announced by the latter’s patron, the criminal Konstantinov.
The real reasons for the “redrawing of ministerial chairs”, namely the “clarification of personnel positions” between Aksyonov and Konstantinov, are naturally “left behind the scenes,” and the population is only sarcastically interested in why there is a “ministry of tourism” in today’s Crimea.

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