In framework of permanent cooperation with United Nations’ structures our Association informed UN Special Rapporteur on the right to development Professor Surya Deva for issues of compensation the damage and losses, connected with Russia’s attacks against climate in Ukraine, including Crimea.
ARC’s submission, prepared by Professor Borys Babin and other experts, and published at UN web-sources now, stress that the victim-centered approach is especially crucial taking into account the possible and probable correlation between genocide and eventual international ecologic crimes, including ecocide. Document described the achievements of Strategic Forums “Future of Crimea” and relevant ARC experts activities on Sharm el Sheikh and Dubai Climate Change Conferences, COP 27 and COP 28, also as at the World Law Congress, 2023.
Submission reminded the example of the deliberate destruction of the Nova Kakhovka Dam by the Russian forces in 2022 as a war crime with such genocidal implications and also as an ecocidal act.
ARC’s submission stressed, that issues of sustainable development, challenges of climate change and new reality of artificial intelligence as a hypothetical international crimes’ subject must be taken into consideration while advancing accountability for environmental crimes under the Rome Statute. Submission reminded that it seems to be that negative climate changes are not the side effect of Russian aggression against Ukraine, but it is one of its major goals. So damage connected with climate changes, caused by Russian aggression is committed by Russia-controlled structures with direct intent, ARC experts stressed.
Submission called all UN authorized bodies and agencies, also as their member states to pay a special attention to Russian illegal activities in Ukraine in framework of global risks for climate and to relevant global human rights and sustainable development, including issues of compensation the damage and losses, connected with aggressor’s attacks against climate.

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