As the aggressor’s central propaganda resources hysterically declared on May 24, “Olympic champion Vitalina Batsarashkina was deprived of the opportunity to perform at the Games in Paris” because this “bullet shooting specialist” “failed to obtain neutral status”.
It is stated that this ban is caused by the requirements of the International Shooting Sports Federation (ISSF), which in fact are absolutely natural, to which the lieutenant of the aggressor’s National Guard Batsarashkina clearly and obviously does not comply.
Let us recall that Batsarashkina is from Omsk, but for the last few years she has been serving the aggressor in the criminal role of “senior instructor of the sports base in Simferopol under the management of the southern district of the Russian Guard”, and the aggressor’s propaganda strongly emphasized the “Crimean trail” of this “Olympic athlete” who received from the Crimean collaborators a number of “republican awards”.
Let us recall that our Association has repeatedly sent appeals prepared by Professor Babin to international sports federations, including the ISSF, which emphasized the impossibility of admitting representatives of the aggressor to the Olympic events, including “neutral athletes” who actively supported the criminal occupation of Crimea.

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