A year ago, we wrote about the statements of the criminal “head of Crimea” Sergei Aksyonov, that on the basis of the “Yaltinskaya Kinostudiya” (“Yalta Film Studio”) seized by the occupiers, they allegedly want to open a “center for film festival and film educational activities” and also, in some “future”, “to create … a college for training of personnel in the film industry.”

We wrote that under the conditions of occupation this “cinema” quickly ended, and the invaders created an illegal “unitary enterprise” “Film Studio “Yalta-Film”” at the site, after which the film studio quickly fell into a deplorable state. In 2018, the occupiers “transferred” the studio’s property to another illegal structure, the “unitary enterprise” “Krymsky Kinomediatsentr” (“Crimean Film Media Center”), which was no longer engaged in filming films but in “popularizing Russian cinema”.

A year ago we wrote that “Aksyonov’s painful attention to the issue of the Yalta Film Studio is connected mainly with the tasty lands and real estate of this facility”, and now criminal “dreams are coming true”: the fake “director” of the “Crimean Film Media Center” Svetlana Kosarich stated that “the package of documents for transferring the Yalta Film Studio to the investor is ready”, and “one of the large domestic banks became it”. Most likely, this scam is connected with “Promsvyazbank” and will naturally result in the “land development” of the former film studio for development.

Kosarich herself is a rather colorful collaborator, who “grew up” just before the occupation from a Deputy of the Simferopol City Council from the “Party of Regions” to the Deputy Minister of Culture of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Kosarich’s “cultural merits” include her resonant dismissal, as the head of the apparatus of the “Crimean regionals” in the summer of 2013, of Zoya Legostaeva from the post of director of the Alupka Cultural Center for mutual obscene “debriefing” during the campaign for “same party member” Sergei Ilash.

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