On April 17, the occupiers announced the “reappointment” of the criminal “minister of internal policy, information and communications” Albert Kurshutov, and among his “achievements” they also named the “results” of the criminal “Putin’s re-election”, about the “digital” frauds on which we wrote earlier.
Let us recall that since December 2022, Crimean Tatar collaborator Kurshutov has played the criminal role of “first deputy chairman of the state committee for interethnic relations”. After 2014, Kurshutov collaborated with the occupiers in a number of fake “positions” in Yalta, including in “urban planning, land and property relations,” and also criminally “led” the illegal “United Russia faction”.
In April 2022, Kurshutov “marked himself” as one of the “talking heads” of the fake “congress of deputies of the Crimean Tatars” organized by the occupiers’ special services, and also “headed the football club” “Kyzyltash”, previously involved by the aggressor in a number of criminal political provocations.
Let us note that before the occupation, Kurshutov was the director of a number of companies, and their beneficiaries were “Deltanafta”, “Boris Company”, the offshore company “White Sphie Ltd”, registered in Belize, and personally Nadezhda Yanaki, the mother of Leonid Grach’s son-in-law Nikolai Yanaki.
Immediately after the current “reassignment”, Kurshutov and another “favorite” of the aggressor’s special services, Ivan Manucharov, announced “the construction of antenna mast structures for several cellular operators”, naturally including the criminal “Miranda-Media,” whose role in information support of Russian aggression we have repeatedly discussed wrote.
Naturally, the current announcements are related to “improving the quality of mobile communications in Crimea” in the last place, and these “mast structures” will be criminally used for military purposes by the occupiers’ army and special services, including with the use of artificial intelligence, but the “load” on their construction will rather be blamed on the “mobile operators”.