The aggressor-controlled “Sevastopol media” announced the “liquidation” of the so-called “state unitary enterprise” “Unified information and payment center”, through which “utility payments” were previously collected from the population of the occupied city.
Earlier, in 2023, the criminal “government” planned to “privatize” the mentioned “center”, but then they decided not to “complicate the process” and simply gave the corresponding feeder to the so-called “private company” “Tsifrovyie Innovatziyi” (“Digital Innovations”), with its “head office” in the trading center “Avangard”.
This “micro-enterprise”, “registered” in 2023 with a “capital of 10 thousand rubles”, its beneficiaries directly connected with the “administration”, traced to an obviously fake “founder” – Elena Meshkovskaya, who was recently “exposed” as the so-called “deputy chief physician on the medical part and organizational and methodological work” of such a “budgetary institution” as the Sevastopol “Blood Center”.
Meshkovskaya’s “successor” was Elena Zinchenko, a “local entrepreneur” through whom funds had previously been laundered at “competitions” in the notorious “Parks and Squares”.
And while aggressor’s fake “officials”, such as “Chairman of the legislative assembly’s committee on municipal economy” Vyacheslav Kamzolov promise Sevastopol residents “complete digitalization of payments” together with the criminal bank “RNKB”, Sevastopol residents are lively discussing on social networks such “little things” as the access of the mentioned nonames to all information about the city’s housing stock, “the dismissal of a bunch of people” from the mentioned “center”, naturally, exapt of the “leadership”, and the fact that “the ears of corruption here stick out from all the cracks, doors and windows”, that “it’s written right here on the face – we treat them like idiots.”
Against this background, nobody noticed the further “stretching of the construction budget” of the so-called “cultural and leisure center” in Cossack Bay by one and a half times, to 1649 million, which, of course, was immediately “transferred to the contractor” in the form of the Moscow company “Teplostroyservis”, and the “growth of debt” in the so-called “Fund for assistance to capital repairs in Sevastopol City”, where 17 thousand local “debtors” have accumulated for 224 million.

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