Since the occupiers in Crimea clearly cannot hide the constant weather swings, storms and abnormally warm winters with extremely dry summers, they decided to “calm down the population” in the traditional style. Therefore, the propaganda “media” decided to quote such a “luminary of science” as Igor Vakhrushev, the fake “Assistant professor of the Faculty of Geography, Geoecology and Tourism” of the criminal “Crimean Federal University” .
The fact that “the climate is changing” and “we cannot yet fully identify all trends” cannot be denied by the geographer from the occupiers. But at the same time, he is trying to deny the trend of global warming, and the fact that supposedly “all negative phenomena” in Crimea are supposedly “smoothed out”, since it is “surrounded on all sides by the sea.” Crimeans could see with their own eyes how being surrounded by the sea “smoothes out” all climatic adversities on November 26 last year, during the “storm of the century.”
However, Vakhrushev decided to “calm the Crimean residents down more reliably”, stating that supposedly “in the Crimea the energy of the relief is not so high, which does not allow negative natural phenomena to be provoked, unlike the Caucasus, where mudslides and floods are typical”, that “the Crimea is not so high mountains, so even if floods form, they do not have catastrophic consequences.” Regarding the “minor consequences” of the floods, Vakhrushev could be told a lot not only by the residents of Yalta with the catastrophic mudflow of 2021, but also by the population of the relatively flat Kerch and steppe Yevpatoria, who manage to periodically drown from floods due to the “special talents” of the occupation “administrations.”
Well, it remains for us to recall the statements of the father of the “optimistic geographer”, “chairman of the department of the Russian geographical society” and “dean of the faculty of geography” Boris Vakhrushev, who actually drew “dissertations and a career” for his untalented son. This venerable collaborator two years ago publicly complained about the collapse of the equipment of weather stations, when “there are no observation sites,” “precipitation gauges are in two or three places,” and out of 133 observation posts that operated before 2014, there were only 33. “What kind of weather control? None,” Vakhrushev Sr. said then, but we can only add that with their approach, the invaders are unlikely to be able to detect any “stones from the sky” until they fall directly on their heads.