We have repeatedly exposed the racist and misanthropic statements of the criminal Crimean “speaker” Vladimir Konstantinov, which contain his periodic calls for genocide of ethnic Ukrainians. At the same time, we explained the corresponding vigorous activity of the old swindler from “Consol”, standing out from the “average in the ward”, by certain prospects for the “paramour petrel of the Crimean spring” in the Kremlin, most likely after the fake “re-elections” of the Russian dictator.

Now one could observe another genocidal speech by Konstantinov, who “presided” at a meeting of Russian “parliamentarians”, namely the “commission of the council of legislators” dedicated to the criminal “speedy integration” of the occupied territories of Ukraine. The fake “speaker”, who constantly criminally calls for the destruction of Ukraine, has now declared the aggressor’s intention to completely destroy Ukrainian culture, calling Taras Shevchenko a “ghoul” and declared also intention to erase the memory of “a whole brood” of Ukrainian artists, poets, writers and composers and “weed clean” the Ukrainian culture.

At the same time, the criminal Konstantinov criminally announced not only the destruction of Ukrainian culture, but also total Russification, as well as the destruction of any Christian religious associations in the occupied territory, except the “canonical Russian Orthodox Church” and the so-called “mental resuscitation”, that is, totalism, aimed at destruction any dissent. Let us note that such a long and black tongue of Mr. Konstantinov can provide him not so much with a coveted place in the administration of the aggressor president, but a chair of defendant in the International Criminal Court.

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