Previously, various “special circumstances” were repeatedly cited that make illegal trips along the illegal “land corridor” constantly advertised by the aggressor to the occupied Crimea “unforgettable”: lack of gas stations and communications, as well as many kilometers of “queues”.

However, “additional expenses” were added to them: as competing groups of collaborators reported on March 15, in the occupied areas of Donetsk and Zaporizhzhya regions, a “fee” was formed at the occupiers’ “checkpoints” for “travel during curfew”, amounting to 500 rubles per car.

Also, the criminal “billing” of illegal carriers takes place “more centrally and systematically”, by selling “passes” from criminal “administrations”, as well as through the implementation of illegal “permits for the export of agricultural products”.

Only in the occupied part of the Kherson Region, criminal “administrations” “opened” at least four “cash desks” for such “accounting” for illegal carriers, in which collaborators actively profit from the criminal export of grain to the occupied Crimea, and then to Russia or to third countries .

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