The occupiers’ criminal “ministry of health”, represented by the fake “minister” Konstantin Skorupsky, stated on November 9 that “the heads of commercial clinics were asked to contribute to improving the demographic situation by refusing to perform abortions”, after which allegedly “colleagues positively assessed this initiative, and Today, all private clinics in the Crimea have officially notified the regional ministry of health of their voluntary refusal to provide abortion services”.

At the same time, the aggressor-controlled “media” themselves do not hesitate to declare that “abortions in state clinics will be carried out only after psychological pressure on women in order to convince them to give birth”. Now Crimean women, considered by the aggressor solely as a “factory” for new “cannon fodder” in conditions of catastrophic demography both in Russia and on the occupied peninsula, will have to leave the occupied region to terminate any pregnancy, including medical and social indicators.

Let us recall that collaborator and “minister” Skorupsky previously directly and actively participated not only in the criminal reformatting of the medical system of the Crimea for the needs of the Russian army, but also in the closure of a number of maternity hospitals in the occupied peninsula as “unpromising”. We previously wrote that the “authoritative physician” Skorupsky, before the occupation of Crimea, worked … at sanitary and epidemiological stations in Simferopol and Sudak, and since 2014, the Russian invaders “appointed” him as the fake “head of the territorial department” of the corresponding “supervision” in Feodosia.

In 2016, after a series of corruption incidents, Skorupsky played the role of “chief physician of the Sudak town hospital,” where he “distinguished himself” in the scandal with the eviction of local doctors from “departmental apartments” that they received before the occupation of the region. And this scam and subsequent combinations with “insurance funds” and “resources of the federal target program” have long made Skorupsky a helpful and ready-to-do-anything puppet of the aggressor’s punishers.

Among other things, Skorupsky was obviously involved not only in “medical landings of Crimean doctors” into the army structures of the aggressor, but also in “black” schemes for transporting children to Russia through occupied Crimea, with their personal data changed in Crimean hospitals in order to exclude their further search by relatives after being “adopted” or used as forced organ and tissue donors for wealthy Russians.

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