The aggressor-controlled “Sevastopol media” disseminated “comforting news”, in the already familiar style of the Soviet press, that supposedly “the revenue of small and medium-sized businesses in Sevastopol from exports abroad last year amounted to 3 million US dollars, and there is every chance of beating this record in 2023”.

At the same time, the reader is invited to believe that there is still some “big business” of occupied Sevastopol, which allegedly “also exports” something somewhere; however, in reality, such a “business” simply does not exist, and the three million mentioned, that is, the turnover of a separate, really very small business, constitutes the entire “annual export” of the occupiers.

Without wasting time on sarcasm regarding the currency of “new records” from occupiers’ propagandists, that “for some reason” was calculated in “worthless American pieces of paper,” we will only note that the real exports of Sevastopol enterprises in 2013 amounted to at least 96 million dollars, and from 2016 to 2020 year, the “export” of the occupiers ranged from 6 to 4.5 million dollars, that is, it was scanty, but still slightly higher than the current “record”.

The occupiers’ statement that “now the top three trading partners of Sevastopol are Kazakhstan, China and Belarus” is not surprising, since fish is part of the criminal “export” and we have repeatedly previously reported on the corresponding tricks of the fish mafia controlled by the Russian special services. It is obvious that the “reduction in exports” occurred precisely at the expense of the “far abroad”, since before the large-scale aggression some “export funds” came to the occupiers from Israel and New Zealand, but now this trickle has dried up.

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