We have already written about the fruitless attempts of the aggressor-controlled “Crimean media” and “bloggers” to incite anti-Semitism on the occupied peninsula, but it is worth mentioning separately about the criminal attempts of their “Sevastopol colleagues”. In particular, such a mouthpiece of the invaders’ propaganda as “ForPost” disseminates statements about the benefits for the Russian Federation of the war in the Gaza Strip, which “absolutely plays into the hands of the OPEC+ countries, first of all, Russia” and states that the aggressor “could become a beneficiary of a military conflict also in the gas sector”. Thus, the “open secret” about the Kremlin’s role in fueling the conflict in the Middle East is practically not hidden by such propagandists.

Also, the hysteria of the “ForPost” propagandists touched upon the recent statement of the International Olympic Committee that they would not allow discrimination against Israeli athletes in connection with the events in Gaza. At the same time, the “Sevastopol truth-tellers,” declaring “dozens of politically-related cases of direct and immediate discrimination” against the so-called “Olympians” of the aggressor, slide into direct anti-Semitism and at the same time declare the alleged “inadmissibility of collective responsibility” of the population of the Russian Federation for aggression. However, it is obvious that the inevitability of responsibility of the aggressor and his accomplices will not disappear from any further fabrications of the “Sevastopol press”

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