As occupiers-controlled propaganda bravuraly stated on October 4, “the nuclear power plant in Shchelkino was given over to the ownership of the Leninsky district”, which in fact means the aggressor’s failure to fulfill the previously made promise to dismantle the ruins of the unfinished Crimean nuclear power plant by December 2023. Three years ago, we exposed the occupiers’ statements about the demolition of the remains of the nuclear power plant by the end of 2021, stating that there was nothing valuable left at the site, and dismantling and crushing the old and especially strong concrete of the station for such purposes is unprofitable, so statements about dismantling make economic sense were not carried and were immediately a declaration of another attempt to steal “budget money.”

Then the “state unitary enterprise” “Center for Integrated Supply of Construction Projects” began to carry out the demolition. The intentions to “get funding” for this facility were obvious, based on the personality of the “director” of the “Center,” Ivan Mikhalchevsky. He simultaneously “headed” this structure and the “state unitary enterprise” “Krymmedtekhnika”, known for laundering “budget funds” for the purchase of dubious quality Chinese medical devices.

The current message from the criminal “head of the district administration Zakhar Shcheglenko” that now “dismantling will take place under the control of the administration” should also be understood in the only possible way: the remains of the structures, from which all the more or less valuable scrap was removed by the occupiers long ago, will remain an “architectural monument” until the de-occupation of the peninsula , since the “district authorities” clearly do not have the necessary funds and equipment to dismantle the reactor building, and all the “budget funds” for its dismantling have already been used in the manner described above.

It is noteworthy that earlier the aggressor’s propaganda promised to set up a “trade and transport terminal” on the site of the former nuclear power plant, so that cargo would be delivered here” from Russia “and then transported to the populated areas of Crimea”, but now this “option” has clearly “lost its relevance” and regardless of strength of reactor hall concrete.

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