On September 21, such a mouthpiece of the aggressor’s propaganda as “Krymskiye Izvestiya” decided to “delight” the population of the occupied peninsula with the criminal prospects of “the work of the military-industrial complex”. Propagandists quote the criminal “head of the State Council Committee” Oksana Dobrorez that supposedly “Crimean enterprises are planning to implement a number of promising projects: repair of Su-27 aircraft, production of high-precision rotating transformers “VT-27” and “BVT-25-2L” under the import substitution program for “Sukhoi Superjet’ civil aircraft, the creation of special precision electric machines for MS-21 aircraft”.

However, Dobrorez’s stories about “repairing fighter jets” can only “delight” those living near the aggressor-controlled and sanctioned “Yevpatoria Aircraft Repair Plant”, but her simultaneous “calm-downs” regarding the rise in prices for chicken meat have alarmed many poor Crimean residents.
Dobrorez’s “testimony” that the rise in price of chicken, as the most affordable meat for the population, is allegedly “observed not only” in the Crimea, but also in Russia, contradicts not only the observations of the population about “price scissors” by almost one and a half times, but also the words of “official” about “the rise in prices of transport services, as well as the lack of possibility of transporting goods across the Crimean Bridge”.

It is noteworthy that Dobrorez stated that “one of the measures … is the planned creation by the large distributor IC Logistics of an alternative offer for the supply of chicken meat” and supposedly these “200 tons” “in the second half of September” will “reduce the price by 25%”.

However, already on September 23, the occupiers’ punitive forces probably “detained the founders of the contractor company for the construction of the largest mosque in Crimea,” and this “company” is the structure of “IC Invest” of Pavel Kuznetsov, who controls the illegal company “Spetsstroykrym”.

We previously wrote about Kuznetsov’s “Crimean” structures responsible for criminal mobile communications and energy, including the same “IC Logistics” that brought a batch of Chinese 20-ton heavy-duty trucks “SITRAK”, tilt cars, as well as tractors with refrigerated trailers into the occupied peninsula , and created a “hub” of 14 thousand square meters.

We have also previously written several times that large-scale illegal cargo transportation to the occupied Crimea is impossible without the “equity participation” of Sergei Aksyonov’s clan and obviously his “close interaction” with Kuznetsov. It is now obvious that “difficult sentiments” on the peninsula are observed not only among chicken lovers, but also among key “transport” collaborators.

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