Information appeared on the social networks of the occupied peninsula that a group of Crimean residents illegally “conscripted” by the aggressor in the fall of 2022, in the amount of more than 20 people, was allegedly sent to the “military unit 19889”, the so-called “282nd training center for radiation, chemical and biological troops protection”, located in the village of Bolshoye Bunkovo, Moscow Region.

It should be noted that this aggressor’s unit is “training” one, with the subsequent distribution of soldiers “by regions”, and company “B”, where the Crimean residents allegedly got en masse, is preparing “scouts”. All kinds of aggressor’s “soldier sites” note the systemic theft in “unit 19889” of bank cards and mobile phones, extortions “for the needs of the unit”, and, of course, hazing.

It is interesting that in 2020 the “unit commander” Maxim Sologubov was involved by the aggressor in a provocative trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina, allegedly “to help in the fight against coronavirus”.
Until 2022, the “graduates” of this “training” were mainly sent to the Far East, but now, of course, they can be criminally “disposed of” in a completely different place. It is also possible that the Russian aggressors will use illegally “conscripted” Crimean residents after three months in the “training unit 19889” to protect and maintain facilities that the aggressor is criminally preparing for the deployment, storage and production of chemical weapons.

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