On August 24, the fake “governor” of the occupied Sevastopol, Mikhail Razvozhaev, announced at a “government meeting” the “resignation” of the criminal “director of the public security department” Mikhail Savchin, announcing a “new job” in Moscow without clarifying the situation.

The former Russian prosecutor of Chechnya and then the long-term prosecutor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Savchin, was personally criminally “transported” in 2020 to occupied Sevastopol by the illegal “governor” Razvozhaev; while in Krasnoyarsk, Savchin resigned after a “demonstrative” corruption scandal.

We wrote earlier that in December 2022, Savchin announced a scheme according to which, in 2022, “taking into account the complication of the operational situation” in a situation of large-scale Russian aggression, Russian invaders “massively used illegal“ people’s combatants ”and“ Cossacks ”, allegedly“ to maintain order ”.

At the same time, the occupiers actively wrote off illegal “budgetary funds” for these “needs” at the rate of “115 rubles per hour per person”, by “concluding agreements” with the same criminal “commanders” and thousands of “dead souls” of unlucky guards.

Let us recall that on August 10, the occupiers in Sevastopol announced the resignation of Alexandra Osipova from the “post of director of the digital development department” and on this occasion we recalled that for more than a year there has been an unspoken ban on “transfer” to Russia for “key officials” of the occupiers in the Crimea, which , however, manages by corresponding considerable bribes.

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