In the last week, the aggressor’s propaganda has paid reverent attention to the automatic station “Luna-25”, launched on August 11 from the “Vostochny” cosmodrome.

This device became the first aggressor’s lunar project after of the collapse of the USSR and “Roskosmos” stated that “in terms of landing,“Luna-25” is fundamentally different from its predecessors: Soviet lunar stations landed in the equatorial zone, the new station should make a soft landing in the circumpolar region with significantly more complex terrain”.

However, having gone through a number of unsuccessful space missions in which, for example, “Phobos-Grunt” in 2011 could not even leave the Earth’s orbit, Russia “postponed the launch of the lunar station many times, including due to sanctions imposed in 2014, in features due to lack of electronics”.

Despite this, the aggressor flaunted the seizure of the radio telescopes of the National Space Agency of Ukraine in the occupied Crimea and the work of this equipment and a number of collaborators to ensure, among other things, the Russia’s “lunar program”.

As our Association has repeatedly reported, since 2014 Russian invaders have been consistently trying to include equipment criminally seized in Crimea, such as the RT-70 radio telescope, into joint space projects with Europeans.

In 2021, we sent to the space agencies of civilized countries, collected by Dr. Borys Babin, including from local sources, evidences of Russia’s criminal attempts to use this Ukrainian equipment designed specifically for spacecraft telemetry.

Now, as “Roskosmos” stated on the morning of August 20, “due to the deviation of the actual impulse parameters from the calculated ones, the “Luna-25” apparatus switched to an off-design orbit and ceased to exist as a result of a collision with the surface of the moon”; thus, as heard from the Crimea, the radio telescope “RT-70” was able to “send a warm hello” to the natural satellite of the Earth.

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