We have repeatedly reported on the long-suffering project of the capital treatment facilities “Southern” in the occupied Sevastopol.

Among other things, we talked about the activities of the illegal “institute” “Shelf” from the occupied Simferopol as a form of laundering “funds”, having mastered more than 2 billion rubles by 2021.
Moreover, its criminal “general director” was the Russian Anton Shafiev, who received a term from the Russians themselves in 2014 for his machinations under the “program for the construction of Olympic facilities”.

We wrote that instead of prison, Shafiyev “surfaced” as a criminal “official” of the “administration” of the invaders in occupied Sevastopol, where, among other things, he “marked” himself for laundering funds for the “Southern” treatment plant.

Now, as an explanation for the obvious lack of treatment facilities, due to which the feces of hundreds of thousands of Sevastopol residents continue to drain into the sea, the invaders’ propaganda put forward … “ancient archeology”.

It is reported that “two identified objects of cultural heritage fall into the construction zone of the main treatment facilities” and we are talking about the “fortified estate of allotment 31” and “the ancient road between allotments 45 and 138”.

Naturally, if the occupier did not need a new delay in the “Southern”, no one would have stated that supposedly “the most likely scenario would be to carry out rescue operations on the site with the seizure of archaeological objects”. Let us recall that, unlike the current occupation, in ancient Chersonese, with treatment facilities, everything was much better.

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