As we wrote earlier, at the end of April, the aggressor’s State duma adopted amendments on “deprivation of acquired Russian citizenship” for “discrediting” the invaders’ army.

This step had a clear focus on illegal impact on the population of the occupied territories of Ukraine, since, according to the Kremlin, it became a new form of punishment by the occupiers for disloyalty, in the form of not just “deprivation” of fake “citizenship”, but also the “zeroing” of all property and means of subsistence of a person, a step towards his criminal deportation, as well as a method of intimidation in this area.

However, as it often happens with the form of Nazi kleptocracy that is planted by the aggressor, these “novels” have become literally a “Klondike” for the invaders’ punishers, since they can now “deprive of citizenship” with further “exemption from unnecessary property, firms and accounts” in Crimea or Donetsk, literally anyone, including collaborators “who were liked”.

It is obvious that it was the latter who now staged a “rebellion on their knees”, launching through the criminal “senators from” the occupied Crimea, Sevastopol and Luhansk, collaborators Sergei Tsekov, Ekaterina Altabaeva, Sergei Kolbin and Olga Bas, a “draft law” which proposes to “deprive of citizenship” for disloyalty to the aggressor, not only those who allegedly “acquired” him, but also “Russians by birth”.

It is characteristic that this idea did not find a response from the Russian “parliamentarians” themselves, who obviously immediately tried it on “in their own skin” and they publicly advised Tsekov to “read the constitution” of the aggressor, thereby emphasizing the difference between the aggressor’s own population and the fake “new Russians” from the occupied territories, which is actually made by the aggressor.

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