As it is written in social networks with reference to “sources” among the Crimean collaborators, on July 3 in the occupied Simferopol “two high-ranking heads of the federal penitentiary service” were allegedly “detained”, and allegedly “for a bribe”.

Probably, we are talking about the illegal “head” of the criminal “pretrial detention center number 2” Nikolai Ryabov and about some occupiers’ fake “deputy head of the federal service department”.
Ryabov, before his current “position”, managed to “mark himself” in the occupied Crimea in the criminal “leadership” of prisons controlled by the aggressor in Kerch and Simferopol.

The fact that total corruption flourishes in occupier-controlled places of non freedom, if you do not take political cases, is not a special secret; for example, as we wrote earlier, for “general criminal convicts” there is an opportunity to buy, for a lot of money, the opportunity to “serve a term” not in Russia, but precisely on the peninsula.

But it is obvious that the real goals of the declared “mopping-up”, if, of course, it took place at all, are not in the “fight against corruption”, but in something completely different.

The occupiers’ criminal “system of execution of punishments”, over the past six months, has tightly merged with the terrorist “Wagner”, and although the Crimean prisons are inferior in size to the colonies of the Russian regions, even in them, with a criminal set of “cannon fodder”, “there was something to profit from”.

However, since now the “friends” of Wagner have suddenly become “enemies of the Kremlin”, the current purge or even just its announcement on social networks is clearly not surprising.

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