According to the aggressor-controlled “media”, as part of illegal excavations near Kerch at the site of the Artesian settlement, the criminal “archaeological expedition of the Moscow pedagogical university” found pieces of altar and tombstones, fragments of cornices and drums of columns.

At the same time, the illegal “head of the expedition” Nikolai Vinokurov stated that allegedly “the materials from which the architectural details are made, as well as their dimensions, allow us to speak of a cult structure of incredible size” that the “archaeologist” decided allegedly due to the discovered “extra-class marble” and “remains of dedicatory inscriptions to the Bosporus kings”.

Let us note that the current “expeditions” illegally operate on the results of scientific excavations carried out before 2014, and the artifacts they have now plundered are indeed extremely significant for history.

At the same time, regarding Vinokurov’s statements about the “temple of incredible size,” social network users indicate that “in half a year, all the uniqueness and grandiosity will turn out to be just an invention to knock out funding” and that “if you don’t praise yourself, no one will. Staples…”.

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