We have previously repeatedly reported on the machinations of the aggressor with the criminal opening of “regional branches in Crimea and Sevastopol” of the Russian state fund “support for participants” in the Russian-Ukrainian war “defenders of the fatherland”, which was headed by the wife of the governor of the Kemerovo region Anna Tsivileva, Putin’s cousin niece.

The Ukrainian Center for National Resistance wrote on this occasion that the goal of expanding the “regional branches” in the occupied territories would be to direct resources to “support and increase the rating” of Putin’s terrorist party, United Russia.

According to the collaborator Yefim Fiks in the criminal “Crimean branch” of the fund from the niece of the Kremlin dictator, no one is going to give money to the “veterans” of Russian aggression, they are promised mostly “free services” such as “help”, “support” and “coordination”.

Moreover, the fake “social coordinators of the fund”, who will supposedly “deal with veterans”, will also “help” them mainly “for thanks”, and the criminal fund plans to “master” the funds through completely different procedures.

However, the contingent of the “department” will be clearly specific, and the problems will be appropriate.

It is worth mentioning, as a striking example, the case of the Yevpatorian resident Aleksey Mykityuk, “mobilized” into the aggressor army, who, having got home on a “short-term vacation” in January 2023, went out the window from the seventh floor of his own apartment on the very first day of his “peaceful life at home”, before that, having told his relatives about the egregious atrocities of Russian soldiers against the civilian population, including children, that he personally saw.

At the same time, the Russian occupiers refused to financially help the relatives of the suicide, although, according to our sources, the criminal “administration” in the early days even “tried to outplay” the situation with the body of Mikityuk, creating “retroactively” from him an allegedly “Crimean resident, who heroically dead at the front”. However, this story turned out to have too many eyewitnesses, and they preferred to simply “hush it up”.

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