Some days ago, Arkady Ilyukhin published a “program article” “What to do with the Crimean “waiters”” in the infamous “Krymskiye Izvestia”, the mouthpiece of the Russian invaders’ propaganda, in which this “blogger”, as servant of the criminal “speaker” Vladimir Konstantinov, tried to talk about why so many people sympathizing with Ukraine “suddenly appeared” in the Crimea.

On the one hand, the “explanation” from the collaborator turned out to be quite expected, since the “blogger” calls people “waiters” by origin from the mainland regions of Ukraine, which, among other things, may mean the preparation of the occupiers for the corresponding racist “purges”.

Ilyukhin criminally proposes to fight against “sharp attacks of love for Ukraine”, among other things, by revealing sympathies for Ukraine “within the framework of kitchen conversations” on the peninsula.

However, the curators of this “talking head” propose to persecute not only “waiters”, but in general all “not those from whom one can see support” for the occupiers. In this case, it is talked about people, Ilyukhin “specifies”, who have relatives in the territory, controlled by Ukraine and in the third countries, mainly about the parents of successful Crimean youth who left the occupation ghetto.

At the same time, as the fake blogger actually admits “innocently”, such a category of people as a whole is too wealthy and too smart for the occupiers to trust them in principle.

Naturally, this aggressor’s puppet criminally calls for “acting quickly and harshly” and the mentioned publication may mean punishers’ propaganda preparation for a new wave of repressions.

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