Some days ago it was reported about the criminal collection of signatures by the so-called “Sevastopol communists”, “for the return of the Stalin monument to its historical place”.
This could be treated in the spirit of the plywood rocket “to Washington” moving through the occupied city, which became a meme even before the attack on the bus, but the situation turned out to be even more depressing.

The occupiers’ propaganda mouthpiece “ForPost” suddenly discovered “another sabotage” in Sevastopol, and this time from the “French special services”, and it was about the comic book “Stalin. The path from seminarian to leader of the nation”, published in Moscow in 2021.

Vigilant collaborators point to the French, “and therefore espionage” origin of the comic, and to the fact that in it Stalin “turns out” to take part in repressions, with a special emphasis that Ukrainians are mentioned among the victims of the Kremlin leader.

At the same time, the “associate professor” of the criminal “Sevastopol State University”, collaborator and “Byzantine scholar” Vadim Khapaev, who has long been serving the Kremlin’s imperial propaganda, is quoted as criminally urging not only to “be vigilant” but also “to write a statement to law enforcement agencies so that an examination of such books is officially carried out, and so that law enforcement officers along the entire chain can act”.

Propaganda also spreads the words of the criminal “director of the city development institute” Alexei Tikhonov, that “the creation of these comics may be a targeted informational action of the enemy”, namely, allegedly “enemy propaganda”.

Most likely, now the search for “French spies” in the “Eksmo” publishing house, which had the misfortune to translate the 2019 edition in a circulation of 2000 copies, will be carried out by figures like the above-mentioned “in the best Stalinist traditions”, and it is obviously becoming unsafe for life to read books in occupied Sevastopol, especially “translated from enemy languages”.

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