Previously, we have repeatedly stated about fraud, lies, and simply a stream of consciousness from the Crimean and Henichesk collaborators regarding the “gas issue” and the long-suffering gas pipeline from the “Chernomornaftogaz” wells on the Arabat Split to the Russia-occupied Henichesk.

Now the criminal Vladimir Saldo announced the “construction of the main gas pipeline from Dzhankoy to Henichesk” that “supposedly will allow to completely change the situation with insufficient gasification … on the left bank of the Kherson region”, which “naturally” was supposedly “Putin’s personal order”, which allegedly “will be executed before the heating season”.

This lie has a double character, firstly, as we wrote earlier, in fact, it is Henichesk that is connected with the gas pipeline occupied by Crimea through the Sivash and the Arabat Spit, and in 2014 a plug was installed on this pipe. Most likely that the collaborators plan to write off funds on its removal as on a new pipeline.

But in any case, the supply of gas from the Crimea to Henichesk will not be able to solve the issue of gasification of most of the left-bank Kherson region, since after 2014 Henichesk turned out to be cut off from a single gas distribution system and, therefore, gas from the Crimea has nowhere to go further on the Ukraine’s mainland.

However, if we are talking not so much about real gas pipelines as about funds for their construction, which, for obvious reasons, the Kremlin is unlikely to be able to verify, the cynical criminal logic of the “Henichesk fugitives” is quite understandable.

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