On April 10, many occupiers-controlled “media” circulated “laudatory” reports about the illegal activities of Pavel Kuznetsov, a Russian entrepreneur from Penza, who in 2018 headed the “Moscow City Telephone Network”, owned by the mobile operator “Mobile Telesystems” (MTS), controlled by Sistema Corporation.

In 2020, Kuznetsov moved to the occupied Crimea and became the “talking head” of the “AiCi Invest” structure for the illegal “implementation of investment and infrastructure projects” on the territory of the occupied peninsula.

Among other things, this structure controls the illegal company “Spetsstroykrym” and also, on the eve of large-scale aggression, two illegal “mobile operators” operating in the Crimea were “transferred” to it – namely, “K-Telecom” (“Win Mobile”) and “KTK Telecom” (“Volna Mobile”).

Just as the invaders “suddenly” declared, the same “Spetsstroykrym” became a structure “responsible” for the long-term construction of the “Cathedral Mosque” and at the same time it is laying illegal high-voltage power lines in the same area with clearly militaristic goals.

In such a simple way, the aggressor obviously expects not only to profit “AiCi Invest” and the illegal “Spetsstroykrym” on the corresponding “cutting contracts”, but will also clearly try, under the guise of a religious factor, to “steal” these structures responsible for criminal mobile communications and energy from the sanctions impact.

Well, near future will show how these criminal plans of the occupiers are “grounded”.

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