On April 7, a video was published on social networks, in which the Yalta collaborator Vladimir Lazovich staged a drunken showdown in the “Kirova” sanatorium after drinking in the room, smashing the reception desk in a frenzy.
Before the occupation, Lazovych tried to “make a career” from the then Crimean communists, and in May 2013 he “marked himself” in Yalta, as an assistant to a city council deputy, at an “anti-fascist”, and in fact – an anti-Ukrainian rally against vyshyvankas, at which obvious agents of the Kremlin spilled local “Bandera was publicly buried”.
Subsequently, this figure actively contributed to the capture of the peninsula by the aggressor, and since 2016 he has been declared by the occupiers as the head of the illegal “anti-fascist committee”, “registered” in the same Yalta.
In general, criminal work for the occupiers did not bring any special “dividends” to Lazovic. In 2019, he tried to get into the criminal “city council” of Yalta from the “communists”, but he was not allowed to the trough by the Russian invaders, although he deservedly got into the sanctions lists of Ukraine in 2020 by decree No. 184/2020.
It is noteworthy that earlier this “anti-fascist” in 2017, in the same drunken stupor, beat his mother, the same collaborator, but from the illegal “fair Russia”, for which he was “fined” 5,000 rubles, and later the same Svitlana Zarembo kicked him out of the joint apartment through the illegal occupation “court”.
It only can be guessed what other “feats” in the “fight against fascism” Lazevich will have time to accomplish before the de-occupation of the Crimea.