For the past few days, the aggressor’s “Crimean” propaganda has been talking about another fake “Days of Crimea in Armenia” in Yerevan.
However, despite the corresponding attempts of the infamous Georgyi Muradov and his curators, this “external action” is carried out according to a ‘knurled pattern”, when the main “foreign audience” is the Russian “diplomats” of the place of residence.
It happened this time as well, since the “Armenian part” of the events was brought by the aggressor’s puppet to Yerevan with them, they were collaborators like the criminal “first deputy minister of economic development” from Simferopol Anushavan Aghajanyan.
The Armenian authorities have traditionally ignored this show, and only the obvious performer of the Russian special services, Hayk Babukhanyan, who previously publicly offered to “bomb Ankara”, and now leads the pro-Russian “movement” “Strong Armenia with Russia” in Yerevan, has “noted” from the local audience.
We already wrote that the Armenians “for some reason” did not appreciate Babukhanyan’s persistent desire to “bomb” anyone, and his pro-Russian force was not elected to the Armenian parliament, after which this emissary of the Kremlin actively took up organizing street protests using Russian rubles against the “Pashinyan regime”.
Obviously, such “Yerevan friends” make the next trip of “Muradov and company” quite toxic for the Armenian officialdom. However, letting these “foxes into its chicken coop” Yerevan makes a rather serious miscalculation, since it is obvious that in addition to creating a fake picture of the “Days of the Crimea”, the same Muradov clearly uses such events to feed the Kremlin agents and participate in the further loosening of the chair by the Kremlin under the same Pashinyan.