As the aggressor-controlled “Sevastopol media” were forced to report on March 27, the so-called “Total Dictation” will not be carried out in the occupied city as an illegal tool of Russification and attempts to “legitimize” the criminal occupation regime.

The aggressor’s propaganda explains this by the fact that allegedly in the occupied Sevastopol “for the previous five years, the coordinator of the Total Dictation was Valentina Romanchuk, who moved from Donetsk” and that allegedly “she had her own reasons not related to the “turbulent situation” for not taking on this function in 2023 year”.

However, it is hard to believe that the occupiers “tied” this propaganda project only to a specific person. In addition, in the Crimea, which is in no way “belonging to the sphere of influence” of Romanchuk, the “organizers of the dictation” from the occupied Simferopol stated that “we are not making any forecasts, but we would like to protect both your life and ours.”

However, it can be assumed that it is not even a matter of “security threats”, because, for example, the “educational process” was not canceled by the occupiers in the structures under their control in 2023.

An analysis of the venues for the “total dictation” and similar events until 2023 indicates that it is carried out “in person” mainly at the places of deployment of military units of the occupiers, and “for the event” military aggressors stand out as “contact persons”, mainly from the category of “politicians”. Thus, the aggressor criminally pursued his traditional goal of militarizing the Crimean youth.

Now it is obvious that the aggressor does not risk either “scattering the contacts” of such “organizers” or letting “outsiders to write dictation” into the location of his military, and therefore the “total dictation” on the occupied peninsula ended in a total fiasco.

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