Throughout March, the aggressor’s propaganda announced the “launch of a new tram route” “Sputnik-2 – Town Theater” in Yevpatoria as one of the “main events” in the life of the Russia-occupied Western Crimea,.

In 2023, the invaders repeatedly pathetically announced this “breakthrough event”, and on March 21 they held a whole show with a “report” by the fake “director of the tram department” Denis Antonovich to the criminal “head of town administration” Elena Demidova.

However, in fact, all the “innovations” boiled down to the fact that the order of wagons was technically changed on the existing town routes, no new tracks were laid and no new equipment was imported.

Earlier, we reported that due to constant breakdowns of the previously pathetically “delivered” “Russian-made trams”, the intervals of this urban transport are constantly growing.

It is noteworthy that such a trifling occasion became a “serious event” in the aggressor’s propaganda, since there is simply no other “positive news” for it on the occupied peninsula.

Other “top themes” of the events in Yevpatoria can only be attributed to the collapse of the mosaic works built half a century ago by the sculptor Vyacheslav Yakovlev from Sevastopol, namely the composition “Spring Flowers” on Festivalna Square near the Seaport. Let us recall that earlier the Russian invaders, during the construction of illegal high-rise buildings for the colonialists in the same occupied Yevpatoria, destroyed mosaic panels from the walls of the Moinaki mud baths, which “fell victim to a sledgehammer and a jackhammer during the dismantling of buildings.”

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