On February 21, Russian dictator Putin, in a previously widely announced “programmatic” speech “about nothing”, mentioned “the need to create a fund to support the families of the dead participants” of Russian aggression.

Since there were no other specific proposals in this “historical speech”, the Kremlin servants began to “creatively develop” the dictator’s words that “each family should be assigned its own personal social worker, coordinator who will personally resolve issues”.

As expected, the occupiers in Donetsk and the Crimea announced that they would “attract” criminal “ministries, departments, social workers”, but according to the collaborators themselves, “the new special fund should serve at least half a million people” and the aggressor has predictably no answer to a simple question – “who are these people?”

At the same time, it is stated that the obvious thing is that the aggressor has nowhere to take the costs of “maintenance of officials who will serve the new structure”; moreover, quite recently Russia “merged the pension and social funds” precisely because of saving money on their staff.

The aggressor-controlled “Sevastopol media” “ForPost” the decided on this occasion to publish a “reassuring interview” with a certain professor Pavel Zhuravlev, who “had the courage” to suggest to the occupiers to “solve the issue” “take the European experience as a basis”.

This expert, referring to the “French experience”, stated that “the staff of social services should be minimal. Volunteers, students of specialized universities should be involved in the work of the fund. Most of the people serving it should be freelancers”.

Of course, in fact, no European social model provides for permanent patronage work, and even more so – the disposal of social assistance funds by some “students of specialized universities”, who, according to Zhuravlev’s fantasies, should “materialize” in every village where there is a family of “cargo 200”.

In fact, the prospects for “new funds” from the aggressor are rather vague, and in any case, the problem of the families of Crimean residenrts killed in the ranks of the aggressor’s army, among many others, will have to be resolved after the de-occupation of the region.

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