On Thursday, March 2, the illegal “Dzhankoy district court” in the occupied Crimea announced a “sentence” to political prisoner Igor Khalilov, whom the aggressor’s punishers accuse of allegedly “participation in the battalion named after Noman Chelebidzhikhan”.

As the Crimean Tatar Resource Center (CTRC) noted on this occasion, the illegal “accusations” in this “case” are based on the testimony of “hidden witnesses” and the “conclusion” of the so-called “experts” actively cooperating with the aggressors’ punishers, and the illegal “trial of the case” itself ”was held in gross violation of international law.

Assessing these atrocities of the occupiers, the CTRC expressed a strong protest and stated that this “decision” is illegal, politically motivated and criminal, and that this policy of the aggressor is a demonstration of the fight against the political beliefs of people in the occupied Crimea.

Monitoring by the CTRC “did not go unnoticed” by the aggressor, since on March 2 the criminal “adviser to the head of Crimea” Oleg Kruchkov broke out on this issue with public threats of an openly terrorist nature, personally addressed to the head of the CTRC, a member of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, human rights activist Eskender Bariiev.

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