On February 17, “The Insider”, ‘Le Monde” and “Bellingcat” published a joint article in which they proved that the Russian representative offices of the French brands “Auchan” and “Leroy Merlin” helped the aggressor army.

It is indicated that the supplies to the aggressor’s military were positioned as alleged “humanitarian aid” and consisted of both goods from the “Auchan” warehouses and goods collected by volunteers on the territory of “Auchan” stores in “different regions of the country”.

Journalists point out that “in some regions, deliveries were organized in direct cooperation with local authorities”, and in addition to the supply of goods, “Auchan” helped the aggressor’s military registration and enlistment offices criminally recruit mobilized from among their employees.

The Russian leadership of “Auchan” refused to comment, and the press service of the French “Auchan” said that supposedly “the company is out of politics”.

It should be noted that our Association pointed to the connections of the lobbyist of the Russian Federation in France, Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, and the old lobbyist of the “Auchan” corporation, Henri Guaino, on bribing French right-wing radicals by Russian special services through “loans” from Russian banks.

Also in the occupied Crimea in Simferopol on Kievska street, 189, in the “shopping center” “South Gallery”, the “Auchan City” supermarket has been illegally operating for a long time.
Moreover, our Association has repeatedly written about the connections of the “Southern Gallery” with both the criminal family of Sergei Aksyonov and the Estonian tycoon Hillar Teder, as well as with the fish mafia, controlled by the Russian special services.

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