Earlier, we wrote about the tragicomic attempts by “scientists” controlled by the Russian invaders to somehow “calm down the panic mood” that arose in the Crimea after the catastrophic earthquake in neighboring Turkey.

On February 10, the propaganda resource of the aggressor “Millet” again broadcasts the fake producer we have already mentioned, illegal “Director of the institute of seismology and geodynamics” Yuri Volfman, who again stated that allegedly “there is no direct effect [of the earthquakes in Turkey] on the occupied Crimea and that allegedly “Nothing happens in the Black Sea”.

At the same time, the illegal “deputy director of the Crimean astrophysical observatory” Alexander Volvach is much more skeptical.

He argues that “the seismological map may changes for the Crimea” and that “disruption of the established balance in one place affects others”, since “recent earthquakes could change the vector and speed of movement of the entire Eurasian tectonic plate”, acknowledging that “dangerous shifts will show only in-depth studies”.

At the same time, Turkish researchers themselves, such as Professor Naji Gorjur, who, together with Mehmet Kurucay, warned for a long time in 2020 that “a strong earthquake will soon occur in Kahramanmarash”, point to the possibility of new catastrophic earthquakes, but already in northern Turkey, much closer to the occupied Crimea than the current one.

It is worth recalling that the previous significant Turkish earthquake occurred in 1999 in Izmit, near Istanbul, and led to 17 thousand deaths. At the same time, even the mentioned Volfman admitted that at that time “the Izmit earthquake’s echoes reached the Southern Coast of Crimea”.

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