The aggressor’s propaganda reported on the illegal visit to the occupied Crimea of the permanent representative of Yakutia (Sakha) before Putin and at the same time the first deputy chairman of this republic’s government, Andrey Fedotov, who “with his entourage” “got his selfie” together with the criminal “head of administration” of Yalta, Yanina Pavlenko.

The “subject of the visit” was quite prosaic – the organization of illegal construction of the sanatorium of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine ‘Predgorny” in Alupka, which in 2014 the invaders illegally “nationalized” and then criminally “transferred to the state ownership of the Republic of Sakha”.

The start of “multi-year work” was announced for the fall of 2023, with “expansion of the capacity of the sanatorium to 400 people”. At the same time, before the capture by the occupiers, “Predgorny”, located near the Vorontsov Palace in the park area, was used to treat diseases of the lungs and bronchi, given the appropriate healing park microclimate.

Any ‘expansion” of this object will inevitably lead to the destruction of the park area and to the loss of the actual healing function of the sanatorium. However, the occupiers predictably do not care, and the long terms of “construction’ in the current conditions cause obvious sarcasm. However, the Russian occupiers clearly expect to at least have time to “launder” the “Yakut billions” on this project, attributing everything further to the “force majeure” of de-occupation.

At the same time, of course, in the near future, the occupiers cannot rule out the destruction of the unique park zone “Predgorny’, since no billions are needed for such a criminal imitation of violent activity.

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