Earlier, we have repeatedly written about the active use for the criminal persecution of Crimean Tatars by occupiers’ punishers and special services the “Crimean Muftiate” of Emirali Ablaev, who is closely associated with the criminal “head of Crimea” Sergei Aksyonov.

At the same time, the Russian invaders primitively “distributed the roles”, in which the fate of the screen for the “external audience”, with the imitation of “friendship of individual peoples”, was assigned to the occupiers-controlled “Crimean industrial pedagogical university named after Fevzi Yakubov”, but the role of “guardian” was given to the figures of the “muftiyat”.

Thus, on February 2, the Russian occupants’ propaganda “TV channel” “Millet” published a statement by “deputy mufti” Raim Gafarov that supposedly “any mosques should obey a spiritual leader. Otherwise, each of them is regarded as a germ that can join the forbidden organizations”, that “they are instruments of ambition or political or financial goals”.

This message of the “muftiate” is simple – the non-recognition of the same Ablaev by the Crimean Tatars as their “spiritual leader” means not just an illegal ban by the occupiers on the performance of religious rituals, but also a real prospect of prison from Russian criminal invaders.

At the same time, the same “Millet” quoted various “experts” who demanded “intensify the fight against extremists”, as well as a certain “teacher of school No. 42” Bekir Adilov, who stated that the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People allegedly “merged” with the Muslim religious group “Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami”.

The purpose of spreading such absurd statements by the occupiers is obvious – to intensify the persecution of the Crimean Tatars in the occupied territory, including members of the local mejlises precisely as supposedly “terrorists” from “Hizb ut-Tahrir”.

At the same time, adherents of this religious movement have never actually made up the majority of Crimean Tatar activists. At the same time, the invaders’ propaganda forcing the issue of alleged “Islamic terrorism” in the Crimea can be informational preparation for new aggressor’s provocations in this direction.

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