On December 20, the Russian invaders’ propaganda announced that collaborator Dmitry Vorona would now play the criminal role of “senator from the Zaporizhzhya region”, to which he was allegedly “married” by the Melitopol collaborator with the “Sevastopol business” Yevgen Balitsky.

This Vorona earlier, in 2020, “marked” himself as the criminal “head of the Crimean development corporation”. At that time, our Association wrote about this “pet” of the odious Makiivka Vasil “Bita” Dzharty, a close associate of Viktor Yanukovych. In the first years of the new millennium, when Dzharty was the Minister of Ecology of Ukraine, Dmitry Vorona became his deputy. After Viktor Yanukovych came to power in 2010, Vorona “successfully worked out” a number of corruption schemes in state bodies of Ukraine, but since 2014 he “lay at the bottom”.

In 2016, the Kremlin criminally “appointed” to the occupied Crimea Vitaly Nakhlupin, a resident of Makiivka, who was considered a “purse” of Dzharty, as criminal “deputy prime minister for the federal targeted program”. This “position”, among other things, provided for the “laundering” of more than 13 billion dollars in favor of the Kremlin group “Ozero” under the guise of a fake “modernization of Crimea”. Vorona was also a member of the clan of the former Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Pshonka and maintained friendly relations with the terrorist “commander of the Crimean spring in Yalta” Vitaly Akhmetov.

Nakhlupin and Vorona wanted to get a “special feeder” in shares with the Kremlin – a criminal “playing zone” in the resort village of Katsiveli, but “that project withered”. Then Nakhlupin demanded too much “kickback” from Putin’s friends Rotenbergs for his services in “cutting” money on the illegal construction of the “Tavrida” highway, and went to the aggressor’s prison of the. Later, already in the criminal role of the “director of the development corporation”, Dmitry Vorona, who “survived” in this “battle for billions”, announced the destruction of the long-suffering Moynaksky park in Russia-occupied Yevpatoria under the guise of a fictitious “rehabilitation center with a residential area”.

The result of this criminal “project” in the personal interests of Valentina Matvienko was not only the “cut” of the next billions, but also the loss by Yevpatoria of the remnants of the green and water protection zone of the former children’s resort. It is obvious that now Vorona became Matviyenko’s criminal “subordinate” precisely “for personal merits” before her as “head of the federation council”.

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