Russian propaganda is actively spreading “news” about another fake “forum” for which the Russian special services have gathered their few clientele from among the so-called “friends of Crimea”.
Earlier, we mentioned a similar criminal event in the Russia-occupied Simferopol, which in October 2022 was allegedly attended by anonymous “guests” from third countries, of which, in fact, only the marginal Armenian politician Hayk Babukhanyan was seen in Crimea, as well as the “reporter” of a German Internet-resource, the consequences of whose illegal visit to the peninsula will be described separately and later.
At the current “forum” on November 15-16, the aggressor was able to “present” key participants and even name their names, which have become too familiar since 2014 – these are, in particular, the marginal Slovak figure Jan Czarnogursky, as well as the Russian agent in Norway Hendrik Weber, and about their illegal activities our Association has repeatedly written.
Something else is noteworthy in this meeting – namely, the categorical refusal of the Russian agents to work off the criminal “fee” in the occupied Crimea itself. As the invaders say on this occasion, they criminally gathered their puppets not on the peninsula, but in Moscow “due to a violation of transport logistics and a difficult political situation”.