As the Association has already reported, on November 2, the beneficiaries of the “new dolphinarium” “Flipper” released four dolphins into the waters of one of the maritime bays of the occupied Sevastopol, which led to panic among the local residents – the dolphins began to swim around the bay and emit heart-rending cries.

On the incident, the fake “governor” Mikhail Razvozhaev immediately began to “earn positive PR”, who “sent services to save dolphins”, which immediately began to be massively promoted by various occupiers’ propagandisctic “media”.

At first it was reported that supposedly “two dolphins were rescued”, but they turned out to be “other animals”. On November 3, the invaders found two corpses of dolphins on the coast, but the remains of the animals turned out to be “lying” and clearly did not correspond to the events of November 2.

On November 3, the occupiers “seized seven fur seals” from the “owner of the dolphinarium”, who released the dolphins into the sea, and transported them “to the Koktebel dolphinarium”. The “director” Vladimir Kalnibolotsky himself, according to local sources, “drunk down and is preparing for prison, but expects that the zone will be “in respect”.

It is reported that “Flipper” predictably had no revenue in the front-line city in 2022 and that the “director” allegedly decided in a peculiar way to “save dolphins from starvation”.

At the same time, the creation of the “entertainment institution” was preceded by the “raider seizure” of the Sevastopol Dolphinarium in the Artillery Bay in 2017. Then, for two years, different groups of “businessmen” fought for control over the “live goods”, as a result of which a number of animals died and fell ill from neglect.

It is reported that now the “vacationers” Styopa, Maya, Tosha and Zoya have become “hostages of the situation”, since “the last performance was held in the autumn at the dolphinarium, and the entrepreneur fired or sent his employees on vacation”.

At the same time, even some occupier-controlled resources have to admit that the search for dolphins in the sea “looks absurd”. At the same time, the main dispute among the Crimean residents flared up about how rational the “liberation of dolphins” was, because “no one thought that someone would decide that dolphins should be rescued from their natural habitat.”

At the same time, even occupiers-controlled social media experts admit that now, in the conditions of a large-scale war, “the Black Sea itself is unfavorable even for wild dolphins.” It is stated that, in fact, the shores of Sevastopol since the summer were littered with the corpses of wild dolphins, which were often quietly buried by “beautification workers”.

Sevastopol residents write that businessmen controlled by the occupiers “have allowed the exploitation of wild animals for the purpose of enriching hucksters and «educating» the younger generation for all years” and that “there is zero knowledge that dolphins have a huge risk of dying now.”

Other peninsula inhabitants say that in the conditions of criminal “mobilization” and the death of hundreds of Crimean residents on the fronts of Russian aggression, the “agenda” of fake dolphin rescue looks “inappropriate”. At the same time, the occupiers’ propaganda is trying to keep silent about the ecocide of wild Black Sea dolphins, which is taking place as a result of Russian aggression.

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