Our Association has repeatedly drawn readers’ attention to the problem of the lack of normal sewage treatment plants in Russian-occupied Sevastopol, because their modernization, which began before 2014, was stopped by Russian aggression.

For eight years in a row, the Russian occupiers announced the “quick completion” of the “Southern”
capital sewage treatment facilities, but due to the total corruption and negligence of the aggressor’s
“administration”, “something went wrong” all the time, and the sewage of the main base of the
aggressor’s Black Sea Fleet still flows straight into the Black Sea.

However, now the Russian occupiers have come up with a new reason for postponing the start of the construction of treatment facilities, it allegedly turned out to be the sanctions imposed by civilized countries, which have intensified since the beginning of large-scale Russian aggression in February 2022.

After all, as the fake “governor” of the city Mykhailo Razvozhaev stated on June 28, “part of the
equipment from well-known brands” was allegedly “purchased” before the introduction of “sanctioned hard items”, but “the other part could not be purchased”, and therefore it will be “replaced with affordable analogues”.

Residents of Sevastopol, in comments on social networks, are already mocking Razvozhaev’s
statements about “available analogues” and come to the conclusion that “sewagers will be made from approximately what they must clean from”.

In addition, the townspeople, sarcastically evaluating the construction of a kitsch “opera and ballet
theater” in the city by the project of the Austrian “friends of Putin” for the lover of his daughter
Kateryna Tikhonova, express the hope that “the equipment for the jopera theater will remain under

However, the tragicomic nature of the situation does not exclude further aggressor’s attempts to put
pressure on the European Union to “weak sanctions”, where the situation at the Sevastopol sewage treatment plants could become a subject for direct blackmail of civilized countries by Russia.

After all, it is clear that half a million inhabitants, Russian military occupiers and “colonizers” arecapable in Sevastopol of creating a long-term regional environmental disaster for the Black Sea withtheir waste.

Therefore, probably Razvozhaev’s statements are not only an attempt to hide the relevant fraudulentcombinations, but also a provocation dictated by the Russian special services with correspondingfurther criminal plans.

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