Professor Borys Babin

As the aggressor’s propaganda reported on April 27, 5.7 billion rubles were allocated “to support” the illegal ferry service between the Crimea and the Kuban “from the reserve fund of the government” of Russia, the corresponding criminal order was signed by the Kremlin Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

Some “media” have already calculated according to the illegal “average monthly traffic” that these funds are “distributed” for the ferry delivery of one car in the amount of 25 thousand, and a passenger – 2 thousand.

However, in fact, everything interesting begins with the recipient of the data of criminal billions, namely with the illegal “federal state unitary enterprise” “Research and Design Institute of Testing Machines, Instruments and Mass Measuring Instruments” (“NIKIMS”).

It is this structure, as the occupiers have now suddenly admitted, that allegedly “ensures the operation of six ferries,” which illegally “carry out the transportation of passengers, the delivery of automobile and railway equipment”.

We have recently written about “NIKIMS” in the context of the Sevastopol seaport property scams, since the occupiers illegally transfer more than 20 hectares of port land in Kamysheva Bay and Inkerman, along with port infrastructure, to this structure.

The ARC has already pointed out that Andrey Filchakov has been declared the criminal “director” of “NIKIMS”. This “enterprise” was illegally “re-registered” in occupied Simferopol in 2022, and before that it was located in Moscow.

We wrote that his fake “boss” Filchakov was previously declared by the occupiers as the criminal “director of the Crimean branch” of another federal enterprise, “Rosmorport”, while he is closely connected by clan ties with the former governor of the Moscow Region Borys Gromov, and under him he made a career precisely in outskirts of Moscow.

We add that Filchakov, a native of Samara, had previously successfully brought the local “Mechanical Plant” to the closure, and in addition to the criminal branch of “Rosmorport”, he was also noticed, in the first year of the occupation of the peninsula, in the illegal role of “head of the Crimean basin water administration”, and therefore he is by no means an accidental character for the occupiers.

The ARC also pointed out that the husband of Gromov’s niece and Filchakov’s classmate, one of the Russian imperialist figures, a former deputy of the State Duma of Russia, Dmitry Sablin, had long “laid his eye” on the port facilities of the Sevastopol Balaklava, in particular through the “Balaklavamegastroy” structure and the “Balaklava-Maria-Club hotel”, as well as other illegal pads, such as “Nautilus” and “Rota-Balaklava”.

We wrote that these “family interests” in the Russia-occupied Sevastopol were overgrown with all sorts of “rat wars” between groups of invaders, but now it is obvious that it is the mentioned clan near Moscow that cherishes criminal plans for the entire Sevastopol maritime economy. But by the way, in the Crimea itself, the criminal beneficiaries of “NIKIMS” have already managed to “trick up” properly.

We add that “NIKIMS”, registered in Moscow in 1993, was illegally moved to the occupied Simferopol in April 2022, six months before the explosions on the illegal “Crimean Bridge”, when the occupiers seemed to have “no need for ferries”, however, probably, the beneficiaries of the formally “state” “NIKIMS” could calculate something in advance.

The most informative is the revealed information about the “Crimean purchases” of this structure, with a formal “address” in the Simferopol “business center” “Crimea-Plaza” on Pobedy Avenue.

From them, for example, it follows that “ferrymen” wrote off more than a million “on drains” along with the fake “Vodokanal”, and that in February “NIKIMS” suddenly began to conduct an “assessment of their property”, while both of them clearly do not apply to the mentioned room of the Simferopol “business center”.

It also follows from these “contracts” that “NIKIMS” is criminally serviced by such a classification society as the “Russian classification society”, transformed by the Kremlin from the infamous “River register of shipping” into a “Federal autonomous institution for the classification and inspection of ships”, which in 2023 almost a million was written off by “ferrymen”.

However, the most interesting are the fake “contracts”, under which a number of “suppliers” have been providing allegedly “services for the transportation of other goods by inland water transport” since November 2022. It clearly follows from them that “NIKIMS” is a lining for “budgetary flows”, but a number of other mafia men are involved in the criminal transportation itself.

In particular, three such “contracts” were identified with the fake Simferopol “firm” “Aurora”, for a total of 1132.275 million rubles, and with the illegal “republican enterprise” “Crimean Sea Ports”, for 595.998 million, as well as with three Russian LLCs.

These are four “contracts” with “Obl-Shipping”, for a total of 699.661 million rubles, two “contracts” with “Anship”, for 1239.957 million, and one with “MG-Flot” for 119.966 million. Thus, the volume of funds already “disbursed” through “NIKIMS” is comparable to the new “subsidies” and it is obvious that the appetites of the respective beneficiaries are growing.

To understand “where the money goes”, it is worth studying the aforementioned “Aurora”, “registered” in the “office” with an “authorized capital” of 10 thousand rubles, one of the “founders” of which is Konstantin Purim.

Earlier, this figure was seen in the role of deputy director of the “Morinvest” company from the “Sovfracht” structure, he was also registered with the Moscow “Sovmortrans”, liquidated in 2016 and the “Port Forwarder MRP SPB” from St. Petersburg, liquidated a month ago.

Moreover, the “inspection authorities” of the aggressor themselves recognized the “inaccuracy of information” about this office. However, Purim has long left a “legacy” in the Crimea, for example, he was the founder of the company “Jaco 2007” in Gurzuf, which, as the name suggests, “marked” on the peninsula even before its occupation.

And in the fall of 2022, Purim, among other things, “surfaced” in the illegal role of “First deputy president of the company “TES””, associated with the same illegal structure “Krym-Oil”, which controls an illegal network of gas stations on the occupied peninsula.

It is noteworthy that Purim “lit up” together with the infamous Kerch collaborator Pavel Ieno, who now serves the criminal occupiers’ “government” in Sevastopol, and precisely at the “opening of a gas station” on the notorious illegal highway “Tavrida” in the same occupied city.

Therefore, the fake “contract” of his “colleagues” from “NIKIMS” with such an illegal “PJSC” “Sevastopolgaz”, described by us for almost 4 million rubles is also quite interesting, allegedly for “services for the sale to consumers of gas supplied through distribution pipelines”, as well as and the aforementioned scams with the property of the Sevastopol port.

In addition to the fake “Crimean counterparties”, the Russian “partners” of “NIKIMS” are also interesting, namely, the specified Moscow “Obl-Shipping”, with an authorized capital of 1.1 billion rubles and hidden founders. Here it is enough to indicate that this company is registered in Moscow at Goncharnaya, 28, where also, “by coincidence”, the company of the aggressor’s Ministry of defense “Oboronlogistics” is registered.

It is “Oboronlogistics”, which is under the sanctions of Ukraine, the United States, Canada, and so on, that “owns sea vessels of various types with an unlimited navigation area”, which carry out sea transportation “in the interests of the Russian Ministry of defense and commercial customers around the world, as well as a large fleet of containers”.

This aggressor’s structure admits that it “works on two ferry lines”, namely “Ust-Luga-Baltiysk”, where it “performs the functions of an operator”, as well as on the criminal ferry line “Crimea-Caucasus”, where it illegally “provides delivery of rolling equipment by our own ships, increasing the capacity of the transport passage through the Kerch Strait”.

Thus, a significant part of the “NIKIMS” funds goes into the “wide pocket” of the leaders of the Russian army, through the mentioned intermediaries.

Another “partner” of “NIKIMS” is “Anship”, a company from Temryuk with an authorized capital of 110,000 rubles, owned by the Moscow company “Anrustrans”, which rents and leases railway transport and equipment. Obviously, in this segment, “merchants” from the occupiers “scroll funds” for the illegal ferry crossing of railway cars across the Kerch Strait.

Vasily Annenkov, the owner of a number of cargo transportation companies, who, among other things, was nominated “from the communists” to the Sochi City Council in 2020, is listed as the general director of “Anrustrans”.

Also such a “partner” of “NIKIMS” as “MG-Flot”, registered in the Dagestan village of Akhty with the general director Askhabali Magomedov, is noteworthy. We have already written about the epic with the container ship “Lady R”, associated with this company and recently operating in southern Africa.

Moreover, the South African authorities then refused to disclose what exactly the ship was transporting and what was loaded onto it at the naval base in Simonstown.

It was indicated that “MG-Flot” was previously called “Transmorflot”, which is under US sanctions for illegal transportation of weapons, and Sergey Vlasenko was designated as its head. The “Lady R” vessel itself, also separately under US sanctions, in the summer of 2022 exported some cargo from Novorossiysk to Indian Cochin.

Thus, through this channel, funds through “NIKIMS” go to Kremlin-controlled structures, involved in large-scale transportation of weapons of a global nature. Therefore, further study of the occupants’ scams related to the illegal crossing of the Kerch Strait, remains an important expert task.

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