A week ago, the aggressor’s propaganda announced the holding of a fake “round table” about the so-called “Crimean spring” in Minsk on March 16, at the “Russia Today” press center, on which the invariable Crimean collaborators Alexander Formanchuk, Anastasia Hrydchyna and Vladimir Rezanov were shown online, and the fictitious “main Crimean Belarusian” Roman Chegrinets was launched “live”.

However, both these figures and the personnel saboteurs from the Russian “diplomacy” in Minsk, Yury Makushin and Petr Frolov, “served the number” in a fairly standard way, while the “contact person” of this provocation was declared to be Andrey Lopatsky, in the criminal role of “head of social cultural center “Krymskoe zemlyachestvo” (“Crimean fellowship”).

Considering the aggressor’s constant pushing of the criminal “Crimean agenda” in Belarus and the chronic fake “Crimean” events it has conducted in this country, it is worth studying this character more carefully, which was done by the Association’s expert Professor Borys Babin.

The father of the current Minsk collaborator, rear admiral Leonid Lypatsky, once commanded the 21st brigade of anti-submarine ships in Sevastopol, and later was a deputy of the city council from the Ukrainian communists, and in 2009 a rather strange story happened to him with the “attack” of a person who the veteran “did not remembered”.

By the way, the son of the admiral lived in Minsk since childhood, but he clearly did not disappear from the field of view of the Russian special services.

Characteristically, it is quite difficult to establish the occupation and “official earnings” of Lopatsky Jr., it is only known that he calls himself a “lawyer” and until 2008 he registered the company “Plastylin” in Minsk at the address where the State Institute of Standardization and Certification is located; however, in the future this “Lopatsky’s enterprise” fell into decline.

In 2016, Lopatsky “emerged” in the role of “election observer” from the Belarusian communists, but in the future he was “shy” to publicly communicate about the “precepts of Marx”. But in 2018, Lopatsky was not “ashamed” to become the general director of the Moscow-registered “International fund for social and economic support of artists of culture and arts”, on whose behalf he participated in the promotion of a number of criminal initiatives of the “Russian world” directed against Belarusian citizens.

In 2019, Lopatsky “stumbled” into a rather specific scandal, already acting as a “representative of the Public Chamber of the Union State”. In this status, he began to send “letters of support” to the publication “Vecherny Mogilev”, which the Belarusian authorities began to fine for extremism.

The reason for the fines was quite specific – this newspaper publicly called for the fight against homosexuality, and in a way not very different from Nazi practices; one can imagine the “heat of passion” of these articles, which even the Lukashenko regime was forced to suppress.

However, the Belarusian security forces immediately received a shout from the Moscow supervisors, which they instructed Lopatsky to voice, and then a farce that was extremely toxic for the Russian special services began.

As the newspaper “Nasha Niva” understood the situation, the letter in support of Mogilev homophobes was not only not supported by the majority of the members of the Public Chamber, but also had never been seen, but was signed by six people, including the representative of the odious “Institute of CIS Countries” Nikolai Sergeev.

Moreover, when commenting on “Nasha Niva”, Lopatsky called Belarusian gays “moral freaks”, but at the same time he called himself, to the journalist’s clarifying question, an “assistant of Deputy Mikhail Mylovanov”.

After that, the non-partisan Milovanov himself, who had made a career on Belarusian television, and such an “assistant” with his allegedly private engineering company “Practical Systems”, immediately publicly “rechristened himself”.

Moreover, “Nasha Niva” reported that, in addition to scandals with gays, Lopatsky and Sergeev were clearly involved in the publication of a xenophobic statement against Ukrainian autocephaly, in a situation where “the majority of members of the Public Chamber did not have the slightest idea about that statement”.

After the beginning of the Russia’s large-scale aggression in Ukraine, the Moscow curators added to the “titles” of Lopatsky, in addition to the “member of the coordinating council of the organizations of Russian compatriots in Belarus”, the criminal role of the fake “representative of council of ministers of Crimea in the Republic of Belarus”.

Recently, criminally declaring to Kremlin propagandists about fake “interregional cooperation” with the occupied peninsula, this “many-man” Lopatsky stated that in addition to the infamous illegal “agreement” of the Crimean fake occupiers’ “administration” with the Vitebsk regional executive committee, probably connected with the Kremlin’s desire to conduct a number of scams with the production of the Novopolotsk Oil Refinery, a similar fake “agreement” was allegedly “signed” between the City Executive Committee of Minsk and the criminal “government” of occupied Sevastopol.

Collaborator Lopatsky also bragged about the criminal “memorandum of intent” between the Frunzensky district of Minsk and the criminal “Balaklava municipal district” in Sevastopol, as well as similar criminal plans for “collaboration” with the Sovetsky district of Minsk and the “district administration” of the occupiers from Bakhchisarai.

In the context of Lopatsky’s statement, his confession that until now the sanatorium “Belarus” under the control of the Lukashenko administration is actively operating in Miskhor of Russia-occupied Yalta, where “the state sends” some criminal tourists “as part of the state program for recovery”, and the “vacationers” are taken away by some by bus, the next at least once every two days.

Earlier, we repeatedly wrote about the machinations of the Lukashenko administration with this sanatorium, and now it is obvious that these criminal appropriations of billions on vacation continue even with large-scale Russian aggression conditions.

Therefore, it is worth predicting the strengthening of the criminal role of direct agents of the Kremlin’s influence, such as Lopatsky, in Minsk, with their implementation of the aggressor’s criminal “Crimean tasks”. In the future, in the situation of gradual “encapsulation” of the dictator Lukashenko by the Russian special services and “removal” of him from the real levers of power, figures like Lopatsky can be brought by the Kremlin to completely “official” high seats in the Belarusian capital on the bodies of their ancestors.

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