At the beginning of May, the occupiers “officialdom” decided to report on the next “distribution of grants” for fake “public structures”, among which the so-called “charitable fund” “Svoim” (“To Owns”) was mentioned, which is going to use funds for “psychological support for the families of participants” of the Russian military aggression.
This structure is repeatedly publicized in the “Crimean media” and boasts a “solid board of trustees”, including the Bakhchisarai bishop Kallynyk (Chernyshev), the Moscow “wedding general” Gennady Udovichenko, the infamous Sergey Glazyev and Sergey Karyakin, as well as the “leadership” of the criminal structure “Rosimuschestvo” in Crimea – Dmitry Kolomytsev and Arkady Rezvan. Also, the “fund” boasts of “collaboration” with scammers from the “regional branch” of the “Putin state fund” “Zashchitniky otechestva” (“Defenders of the fatherland”), described many times before.
By the way, various no-names such as Yevgeny Soin and Elena Greshniakova flash on the “Crimean media” from “Svoim”, and the only recognizable among them is the allegedly “head of the Crimean branch of the fund” Albert Dorzheev, previously “marked” as a criminal “advisor” of the next “head” administration” of Feodosia and as the local illegal “head of the department for cultural affairs”.
But completely different persons were “marked” in the “registry” under “Svoim”, and this is Igor Goncharenko, who already “registered” the “fund” on February 24, 2022, first listed as “Blagodatnaya Tavrida”, and who became “Svoim” already in 2023. Most likely, this is also the “zits-chairman”, who in 2017 flashed as a “technical candidate” during the next criminal “appointment” of the “head of the administration” of the same Feodosia.
Earlier, with the same Goncharenko as the founder, the Moscow organization “Tsarskoe naslediye” (“Tsar’s Heritage”) was established, with the aim of laundering funds in the field of “architectural monuments”, however, it was liquidated before the start of a large-scale invasion.
The general director of “Tsarskoe naslediye” was a certain Herman Kudryashov, who also distinguished himself in the Yalta “architectural bureau of strategic development” “Novaya Tavrida”, which was founded in 2018 with “authorized capital” of two million, but was hastily “liquidated” an hour later.
However, the easiest way to understand the nature of “Blagodatnaya Taurida”, aka “Svoim”, is possible “by their deeds”, or rather – by statements. In October 2022, the “charitable fund” announced its desire to move from “assistance to the revival and functioning of monasteries and churches” to “rehabilitation of Russian servicemen, militiamen and volunteers who were in Ukrainian captivity and were wounded”.
It was stated that the “restoration and adaptation course” would be conducted “on the basis of boarding houses-partners… and pilgrimage centers of the Russian Orthodox Church”, and this “initiative” was promoted by the “temporarily acting head of the press service of the Patriarch of Moscow” Vladimir Legoyda and same distilled collaborator Kallinnyk, who, by the way, received ordination to the episcopate… in 2019 at Nizhyn, from Metropolitan Onufry.
However, any wounded, let alone “returned from captivity” from aggressor’s soldiers, were not taken by the “fund” to any “boarding houses” and “pilgrimage centers”. Instead, the “fund” announced its “interaction” with the “Phoenix” “rehabilitation center”, supposedly specializing in alcoholics and drug addicts, and “registered” in Simferopol for a certain Yevgeny Hovsepyan in an apartment in a residential building on Khabarovskа Street. It is obvious that the church curators of these swindlers decided to take the classic about “opium for the people” in its literal sense.
It is noteworthy that this clear scam, for which contributions were “collected” massively, ended with a public quarrel between the then Metropolitan Lazar and the above-described “parish” from Kalynyk.
As a result, already in February 2023, the “press service of the Simferopol and Crimean Diocese” publicly stated that, “due to incoming requests”, they were “forced to declare”: “Blagodatnaya Tavrida” foundation, as well as its general director Igor Goncharenko. .. do not have the blessing of the ruling bishop of the Simferopol and Crimean Diocese for the implementation of their activities”, and that “the Diocese does not have any information about the results of the activities of the above-mentioned fund for the restoration and revival of monasteries and temples”, as well as about the “rehabilitation” of the aggressor’s soldiers.
The next scandal of the “fund” was a statement about “fundraising” for prostheses for disabled people from the aggressor’s army, and allegedly “by agreement” with the Center for Rehabilitation Therapy for International Soldiers from the village of Palashkino near Moscow.
It all ended the same as with the “rehabilitation” in the Simferopol “conspiracy apartment for drug addicts”. In fact, funds for prostheses for the mass of the Crimean “three hundred” from the aggressor’s army are being laundered by completely different people, albeit under the “roof” of the same “Zashchitniky otechestva”, through the so-called “Simferopol branch” of the “Moscow Prosthetic and Orthopedic Enterprise” on Bespalova Street.
Let us mote that this “branch” is actually the Simferopol State Experimental Prosthetic and Orthopedic Enterprise of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine stolen in 2014, which the collaborators first declared a “state unitary enterprise” and then criminally handed over to Moscow puppeteers.
However, this is a completely different story, but the current multimillion scams on “psychological assistance to families” of the Crimean “cannon fodder” by the “wards” of Glazyev, Karyakin and Kalynyk will lead soon to yet another tragicomic news about “Crimean benefactors”.

Borys Babin

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