In framework of permanent cooperation with United Nations’ bodies our Association sent submission to UN OHCHR for relevant Consultations, that were held in Geneva on January 21, and for next comprehensive report on access to medicines, vaccines and other health products in framework of Human Rights Council’s resolution 50/13.
ARC’s submission, prepared by Dr. Borys Babin and published on UN official web-sources now, stressed, that Russia-controlled troops and mercenaries committed in Ukraine, during the invasion, gross violation of international law, including attacks on medics and medical, infrastructure, including common and psychiatric clinics and ambulances in Kyiv, Kherson, Kharkiv etc., with example of missile strike to multidisciplinary diagnostic and treatment facility “Okhmatdyt”, committed on July 8, 2024.
ARC’s submission added that Russian occupying ‘administrations’ provide access to medic services in Russia-occupied Crimea and mainland territories, only for persons who were forced to get illegal “Russian passports and certificates”, with clear discrimination of ethnic Ukrainians.
ARC’s submission added, that Russian troops established policy or terror and repressions over the Russia-occupied territories of Ukraine, against medic personnel and pharmacies, with direct and public violation of rights of Ukrainians to health, including access to medicines, vaccines and other health products.
At same time, ARC’s submission stressed, that system of medical institutions, controlled by Russian “authorities” in occupied territories of Ukraine, is totally no effective and corrupted, that illegal “regional governments” change arbitrarily own “ministers of health” and other relevant “officials” there, major part of which have no any experience in managing the medical infrastructure.
ARC’s submission added that it caused systematic absence of absolutely essential medicals in Crimea pharmacy, like analgesics, antibiotics, insulin, saline solution etc., and that situation on Russia-occupied mainland territories of Ukraine is even worse.
So ARC’s submission proposed to include to UN next report the challenges of the genocidal attempts, racial discrimination, militaristic propaganda and war crimes, committing in conflict zones and war areas, in issues of violating the right to public health, medical care, including access to medicines, vaccines and other health products.

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