On May 27, experts of our Association Borys Babin and Anna Prikhodko took part in a meeting of the International Council of Experts to discuss the developed draft Principles of Cooperation between prosecutors and civil society organizations in the investigation and prosecution of crimes related to the conflict.
The meeting was organized by the Ukraine’s Office of the Prosecutor General and was held in a mixed format, at which the head of the MATRA Ukraine project, Ruby Axelson, presented the updated draft Principles of Cooperation.
During his conversation with the participants of the meeting, Professor Borys Babin recalled the developments of our Association on interaction with other civil structures, law enforcement agencies and international institutions in responding to international crimes of the aggressor and in related work on the further international criminalization of ecocide and domicide and in measuring the effectiveness of national investigations in this regard, including the application of the principle of universal jurisdiction.

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